Friday 14 July 2017

Nearly Year Two

We really enjoyed watching the Year 2 performance of Mavi Catches the Sun and we are looking forward to being in Year 2 . On Thursday we had transition morning and went to Chestnut Class. In maths we have been looking for patterns in numbers and in English we learnt a poem about travelling in a railway carriage . We then imagined we were travelling through Redbourn and used adjectives and adverbs to describe what we could see, hear and feel.
Our Learning Owl this week is Tommie who has been concentrating with his learning. Well done have fun with Snowy.

Friday 7 July 2017

What can you do?

This week in English we have been writing character descriptions for Jim and the giant in Jim and the Beanstalk. We thought about their appearance , personality, likes and dislikes.

" I would be Jim's friend because because I could go on an adventure with him". Annabelle.

In Science we have been learning to think about what we can do with our hands.

"I can hold 11 marbles." Ben

" Ralphie and I could  throw and catch a ball 30 times without dropping it". Austin

" You can bounce a ball 10 times " Will

In topic we have been rolling  thin strips of paper to use for quilling.

Our Learning Owl this week is Finlay who has been answering and asking questions on the carpet to take his learning forwards.Well done Finlay. Have fun with Snowy.